Supermarket vs Superpremium: the Food Debate

Feeding our dogs and cats seems to be no easy thing any more. There are so many brands of food out there, all professing to be "exactly what your best friend needs". Is this talk of 'Superpremium' foods really legitimate, or is the cheaper Supermarket option just as good?


 Supermarket Superpremium

- cheaper

- less science in the recipe

- more colours and preservatives

- meat sources can vary

- more expensive

- higher protein

- fewer fillers 

- specifically formulated for dogs needs

- no preservative, colourings, GMO and hormone free


The long and short of it is: your pet's health. Saving a few $$ on food, may mean for more costly bills later on in life. Can you really put a price on your loved one and their wellbeing?!

If you'd like to do some more research, you can compare external reviews on things like Coles Banquet range with a Superpremium Brand called Ivory Coat, Hills, Royal Canin, Meals For Mutts, Man's Best, Taste of the Wild, Phoenix or Advance.





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