Aquatic Plants: the Why and How

Aquatic Plants: the Why and How

We’ve all seen these incredible fish tanks which take your breath away, fish darting in and out amongst a swathe of greenery. Yet sometimes it can be hard to maintain these plants. However, the benefits are huge, even if it takes a little persistence.

We stock a wide range: Ambulia, Aluminium, Baby Tears, Blue Stricta, Dragon's Flame, Purple Waffle, Variegated Rush, Wisteria, plus other varieties on rotation! 


  • Privacy

Aquarium plants allow for natural refuge for your fish. This means that they are protected from fish with more of a territorial instinct, reducing fish stress. If there are any baby fish, the refuge of plants will vastly increase their chances of survival.

  • Conditioning

Plants have the ability to absorb the harmful waste products of fish, like ammonia, and release oxygen. This enables the water conditions to be within much healthier parameters, without your constant monitoring and maintenance.

  • Aesthetics

Is there really any competition between artificial plants and real plants?


  • Lighting

Plants photosynthesise using certain, but notably not all, wavelengths of light. Consider your choice of aquarium lighting, and check with the retailer/packaging whether it has wavelengths in the red and blue areas of the visible spectrum. Consider changing your light every 6-12 months as the quality will diminish.

  • Substrate

Using the correct type of gravel, sand, or aquatic ‘soil’ can help with your plant growth. Finer gravel can allow for better root development. Fluval Stratum or an equivalent product provides a mineral rich substrate to stimulate growth and regulate pH.

  • Feeding

Plant fertilisers can really help growth. API Leaf Zone used in conjunction with API Root Tabs can furnish your plants with all the iron, carbon, and potassium that they require for healthy leaves.


Soon, with a little patience, your tank will be one of that is breath-takingly impressive.

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